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Printing on Colored Shirts

  1. First make sure you are on the correct Queue and Sub-Queue.
    Step One
  2. Select the Decoration Tray 2 Up Platen.
    Step Two
  3. Now click the Add File Icon.
    Step Three
  4. Now select the file you want and click Open.
    Step Four
  5. Make sure to select the Template that matches the Platen you selected. Then click Select and Import.
    Step Five
  6. Now click on the image top thumbnail. This will put a binding box around both images. Then click and drag one of the corner yellow nodes. This will allow you to size and position the images.
    Step Six
  7. Right Click on the Image, click Modify, next click Rotate, and then click Rotate 90 degrees.
    Step Seven
  8. Now that the images are rotated to the right position, click the magnifying glass and select the option To Fit.
    Step Eight
  9. Right click on the name of the job and then click on Properties.
    Step Nine
  10. Now click Print Mode Overrides. Then Layer Profile. Next, at the bottom, Show Processing Options. The Underbase should be set to 1440x1440. Maximum White Ink % to 85 Choke Underbase to 9.
    Step Ten
  11. Click Color in selection window. Highlight White 19 Strong. Colorboost 10. Click OK.
    Step Eleven
  12. Last, Click the Print Icon.
    Step Twelve
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